Instagram Influencer Marketing : Breaking Down the Numbers

With Instagram Influencers playing such an important role in the influencer market place, it’s important to understand “who” exactly Instagram Influencers & followers are, & “how” exactly they are using the platform. This article is a brief quantitative breakdown of what Instagram actually is & what makes the social vehicle work. In this article the “who” represents the Influencers & their followers. In this article the “how” represents the way an influencer & follower post, inculcate post, & engage in post. Instagram has become one of the most popular social platforms on the internet. The platform should be examined closer, especially if a company is going to strategically utilize an influencer marketing campaign on Instagram.
The first area to research is the “who”. With over 400 million active users, 77.6 million of those users are found in the United States. It’s strongest demographic is teens 15.5 million . The increase of teens using Instagram outside of the United States has increased 85% since 2013. 90% of Instagram’s user base, falls under the age of 35 years old. 14 million active users can be found in the UK, while the country that uses instagram the most in the Middle East & Northern Africa is Saudi Arabia. This gives a better understanding of “who” the instagram influencers & followers actually are.
The second area to research is the “how”. Instagram users post photos and videos onto the platform. It is important to note that photos make up 91% of all instagram post . The 400 million active users produce 75 million instagram post daily . 47% of the U.S. access the platform via their smartphone, while the other 53% access the platform through a tablet. The average engagement rate for an instagram post is 1.1% . The engagement of a post is measured through likes, comments, & shares. A formula evaluating Instagram engagement has even been developed. The formula is called “Comment Weighing” . Comment Weighing is the process of identifying the quantity of comments a post receives, and then dividing those comments into value groups (this will be explained in another article). This should give a better understanding of “how” instagram influencer’s & followers are using the instagram platform.
As instagram continues to grow so does the value of it’s influencers . Instagram has a nicely shaped target market & healthy platform usage. Understanding both the “who” & the “how” will help a company better develop the appropriate Instagram influencer marketing campaign. Other important information has been found pertaining to what makes Instagram Influencers successful . It is encouraged to continue to do more research into the platform . The platform is on the rise and has been forecast to continue to rise in the foreseeable future. In conclusion, companies should be utilizing Instagram influencers more heavily, while taking a more magnified strategy when utilizing Instagram influencers within a marketing campaign.